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Crystallography Laboratory University of Nijmegen
What is the D8 Advance?

D8 ADVANCE is the new generation
of X-ray diffraction products from Bruker AXS.
The D8 ADVANCE is an advanced and efficient tool for analytical
tasks in X-ray diffraction.
Straightforward ergonomic design for easy operation.
- The sliding doors with large lead glass windows allow perfect accessibility and
visibility of the goniometer in the enclosure.
- The system includes two independent X-ray safety circuits, warning lights with optimum
visibility, and easily accessed, ergonomically positioned controls.
- All components like tube housing, X-ray optics, and detectors are mounted on
high-precision dovetail tracks and can be readily exchanged with reproducible positioning
and freely moved along the tracks.
- The all-new D8 ADVANCE goniometer is equipped with stepper motors
controlled by optical encoders.
- The new high performance ceramic tube is 100% compatible with conventional glass tubes.
- The Dynamic Scintillation Detector with low background, large dynamic range, and a long
life time is a totally new development as well.

The all-new D8 ADVANCE goniometer incorporates components such as the tube housing,
X-ray optics, and detectors mounted on high precision dovetail tracks allowing for
easy component exchange and precise movement along the tracks. Three predefined measuring
circles are available (435, 500, and 600 mm) as well as any intermediate setting.
Increased performance and quality of components is evident in the Dynamic Scintillation
Detector and the new ceramic tube featuring high reproducibility and stability of focus
High performance, high precision, and outstanding results
are the inherent advantages of our D8 ADVANCE X-ray diffractometer.
The D8 ADVANCE is not only designed to give reliable service during routine use; but is
also ideal for more demanding powder diffraction applications such as qualitative and
quantitative phase analysis, crystallite size determination, and high-precision
crystallographic investigations.
Our D8 ADVANCE is designed as a modular system that is easily adapted to meet your
changing analytical needs ensuring a safe investment well into the future. D8 ADVANCE and DIFFRACplus software make an unbeatable team -
the heart of Diffraction Solutions.
Typical Applications
- Qualitative and quantitative crystallographic phase analysis
- Indexing and determination of crystallographic lattice parameters
- Crystallographic structure determination
- Crystallite size
- Microstrain
- Degree of crystallinity
- Studies in a non-ambient environment
- temperature from 5 to 3000 K
- pressure up to 60 bar
- relative humidity up to 90%
- inert or reactive atmospheres
- Thin films and multilayers
- crystallographic phase analysis
- crystallite size
- preferred orientation
- layer sequence
- layer thickness
- layer and substrate densities
- surface and interface roughness
- Texture investigations
- Residual stress measurement