Collaborative Computational Project
Number 14
For Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction
(Freely Available Crystallographic
Software for Students and Academia)
Educational Web Sites
IUCr linked Educational Resources
Crystallography in Lay persons terms
For Primary and High School Students
Crystallographic Resources
Growing Crystals
Software and On-Line Resources for Crystallography Education
- Marcus R. Bond - Includes
- Crystallography under Linux
- Crystallography under DOS
- Instructional X-ray Data Sets
Kevin Cowtan's Book of Fourier - Includes
- Book of Crystallography
- Duck Tales and missing data
- A little Animal Magic and cross phasing
- Animal Liberation and free-sets
Strategies in Structure Determinations from Powder Data -
Armel LeBail - Includes
- First routine contact with a material a priori unknown
- Materials unidentified by the routine approach
- The structure determination from powder data is decided
- Trends in structure determination from powder data in February 1997
- Alternative when no crystal of suitable size is available?
Crystallographic Topology 101 - Carroll K. Johnson and Michael N. Burnett - Includes
- Introduction to Orbifolds
- Introduction to Critical Nets
- Critical Nets on Orbifolds
- Lattice Complexes on Critical Nets on Orbifolds
- Cubic Space Group / Subgroup Families
Fundamentals of powder diffraction - Includes
- Web Accessible Diffractometer Homepage
- GeoGarden
X-Ray diffraction education from UCSD, San Diego - Includes
- Introduction to Diffraction
- How Diffraction Works
- Crystals
- Other Techniques in Diffraction
Spectroscopy education from UCSD, San Diego - Includes
- Introduction to Spectroscopy and Polarization
- Light Absorption
- Molecular Wavefunction
- Relating Spectroscopy to the Wavefunction
- Spectroscopic Effects
- Types of Spectroscopy
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
The Principles of Protein Structure Using the Internet - Includes
Brookhaven Mirror
- Course Material
- Noticeboard
- Assignments
- Technology
- Discussion Lists
- Participants
- Glossary
Cryocrystallography video -
The Application of Low Temperature Crystallographic Techniques
- Web site promoting 43 minute video (includes MPEG movie clips)
- Production of Freezing Equipment
- Liquid Nitrogen and Cryostats
- Preparation of Crystals for Freezing
- Freezing the Crystals
- Storing Frozen Crystals
- Assessing the Effectiveness of the Freeze
- Examples of Data
- Credits and References
High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Tutorial
Paul A. Heiney, University of Pennsylvania - Includes -
- Introduction
- Other Links
- What is X-ray diffraction (XRD)
- X-ray Sources
- Instrumentation for XRD: Diffractometers and Detectors
- Case Studies
- Examples of Data
- Credits and References
"Pepinsky's Machine" distribution for UNIX. (Glykos, N.M. (1999), "Pepinsky's Machine : an interactive, graphics-based Fourier synthesis
program with applications in teaching and research.", J. Appl. Crystallogr., 32, 821-823. )
On-Line Brief Teaching Edition of Patterson Peaks
Donald L. Ward, Michigan State University - Includes -
Difference Patterson Tutorial
Charles Brenner -
- Preliminary comments
- You must remember this
- Lessons taken at home
- The Patterson function
- Cells, coordinates and vectors
- Your first Patterson solution
Excel Fourier Spreadsheet
Max R Taylor, The Flinders University of South Australia - Includes -
- Guide on using the spreadsheet
- Spreadsheet files.
Computational Techniques in Crystallography
Lecture Course by H. D. Flack, University of Geneva - Includes -
- Minimization techniques for experimental data
- Modelling of experimental data
- Statistical descriptors
- Diffractometry
- Electron-density calculations
- Geometry and lattice calculations
- Informatics
- Higher-dimensional crystallography
- Treatment of non-centrosymmetric structures
- Supplementary Material
Stefan Weber's Quasicrystal Homepage - Including DOS based Software
Ron Lifshitz's Quasi Crystals Web Page at Caltech
Crystallographic Nexus -
Free Virtual Internet/Virtual World Wide Web on CD-ROM
for the remote crystallographer